started years ago, when I began to purchase full bolts of fabric for all of my sewing projects. I was one of the many sewers who discovered half way through a big project that my calculations at the store were incorrect and I did not purchase enough fabric for my project. I began the search for more fabric and ultimately had to call the manufacturer, my first bolt of fabric was purchased.
SomeArtFabric has looked like many things over the years. At first, we were an eBay company and quickly grew to offer our own online shopping cart and an infrequently sent newsletter. You may have followed us for a few years at
quilting and sewing expos. In 2015, we started to slow down and are looking to discover what our next chapters look like. We hope you’ve enjoyed a peak into the kinds of fabrics that get us excited. Those were (mostly) the only ones we tried to stock. While we are in this phase, please drop us a line at Facebook to let us know you’re still out there.
SomeArt Fabric has been a dream company. Beautiful fabric and my beautiful family surround me every day. I meet amazing, dynamic sewers everyday and I am part of a supportive WAHM (Work at Home Mothers) community.
Colleen was also a popular instructor at many of the same expo events where she demonstrated fast quilting techniques and some of her own fun patterns like the Sneaters which were made from recycled sweaters.
Please watch this space for new listings and more.